
How to get measurements of biodiversity impacts? Agricultural actors, land management companies, and territories need measurements to be effective in implementing agroecological transitions.

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Measuring the quality of your bees’ environment

Accelerating the agro-ecological transition requires constant measurements to continuously improve practices, to value the results and impacts obtained.

BeeGuard's bee bio-monitoring will allow to automatically quantify continuously: the availability of the food resource for pollinators, the daily measurement of the activity and health of bees to detect possible collisions with human activity.


The BeeGuard solution is the first automatic and continuous bio-monitoring tool of the environment through the analysis of the activity and the health of bees.

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Availability of food resource for pollinators

Continuous measurements of foraging yields allow us to determine throughout the year the periods of food surplus, balance and deficit seen by pollinators. 

This indicator makes it possible to validate and optimize the impact of nearby agro-ecological infrastructures on the availability of the food resource for all pollinators.

The characterization of the periods of deficit make it possible to target the most effective compensation measures, including the implementation of optimal choices in landscaping like hedges and agroforestry, or planting rows, cultivations, or field edges.

Today, 75% of the fruits, vegetables, and seeds that make up our meals require pollination by insects. At the same time, the mortality of bee colonies is more than 30% in France and in Europe, despite the care beekeepers provide.

Detecting the impact of the environment on bee health

In addition to foraging dynamics, colony mortality is monitored daily. It’s the ultimate solution to demonstrate how agricultural practices and entire ecosystems can peacefully coexist—and even improve them. How is this possible? Without compromises: we’ve created BeeLive, the bee counter with embedded video technology. This latest generation of innovative sensor, which integrates with our sensor network, continuously films the flight board, follows the bees that use it, and counts each entry or exit, allowing to reproduce the intensity of the activity. At the end of the day, the difference between the exits and the entries represents the mortality of the colony.

Daily measurement of activity to quantify pollination effort

The BeeGuard system touts indicators and reports to qualify pollination services. Weather conditions are analyzed to define a foraging potential and bee activity measurements allow to define the ultra-localized foraging effort.

Bee activity measurements allow to define the real foraging effort from sunrise to sunset. Thus, the pollination service can be qualified, compared, and adjusted if necessary, based on factual measurements.

Contact us

You’re already involved in or planning a project to avoid, reduce, and compensate for environmental impacts.

You’re seeking solutions to measure your environmental impacts in an efficient, robust, and integrative way.

You want to measure the value of your environmental or pollination services. Biomonitoring is the tool you need. Let's talk about that.
Ask for your own personalized quote.

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Measure the impact of crop or landscape choices

The BeeGuard solution installed on a hive will allow you to obtain the availability of food resources to study compensation needs. What’s more, by measuring the daily mortality of the control colony, you’ll be able to make visible the absence or presence of collision between your cultural itinerary and the life of the pollinators. These new measurements will allow you to accelerate and optimize your continuous improvement process.


Continuously evaluate and enhance the impact of offsetting actions

You have set up Agroecological Infrastructures (AEI) to compensate for the impact of monoculture, land grabbing or an urbanization project.

Measuring the benefit of your actions represents a first return on investment of this approach. But it doesn’t end there. By evaluating food availability throughout the year, BeeGuard’s biomonitoring 

system allows you to classify periods of surplus (production of honey), balance (the usual objective), and periods of deficit (which you wish to reduce).

The compensation actions will be able to target the deficit periods to have maximum impact, and your approach will be able to progress further. The measurements BeeGuard’s biomonitoring 

system produce are robust as they take climatic conditions into account along with the general bee health. This way you react based on the sequences for which the bees were able to perform their work as bioindicators. The environmental data collected will be used to enhance this virtuous approach.


Evaluate and optimize the pollination service

For productions requiring pollination by insects, all quality criteria are impacted by the quality of the pollination service often performed by bees and contracted with beekeepers.

Strike ecological balance: there must be enough bees—but not too many—for the bees to work well and develop. There’s an economic tradeoff between the beekeeper and the farmer. Keeping these balance points requires a precise measurement of the pollination service.

Today, with BeeGuard pollination biomonitoring, it is possible to measure the foraging potential according to the weather, the impact of the foraging yield and the quantified foraging effort.


Assessing bee exposure to meet regulations

The bee decree of 2021 gives the opportunity to the agricultural world to experiment with the use of phytopharmaceutical products in order to identify decision support tools or other technologies whose use would provide guarantees in terms of exposure of bees and other pollinators. 

The biomonitoring solution for measuring activity and mortality can meet this need for experimentation. Thanks to these impact measurements in nature, the conclusions can be robust, objective, and accelerated.


Demonstrate or evaluate the non-toxicity of your products to bees

BeeGuard collaborates with research laboratories to use the BeeLive bee counter in non-return to hive analysis protocols.

The flexibility of the solution—with or without unitary recognition—allows beekeepers to practice protocols in controlled environment or in nature, making it an asset in preparation of MA applications.

Contact us

You’re already involved in or planning a project to avoid, reduce, and compensate for environmental impacts.

You’re seeking solutions to measure your environmental impacts in an efficient, robust, and integrative way.

You want to measure the value of your environmental or pollination services. Biomonitoring is the tool you need. Let's talk about that.
Ask for your own personalized quote.

Which biomonitoring offer suits me?

BeeGuard offers variations of its biomonitoring offer adapted to the needs of our customers farmers, companies, or territories.
route nature foret

Biomonitoring of the environment

This service enables farmers, businesses or regions to generate environmental impact indicators for pollinators.
abeille fleur blanche

Biomonitoring of pollination

Arboriculture, seed selection and production, and market gardening all require control over pollination. To go further than counting hives for a production area. To have the necessary and sufficient pollinator population and understand the impact on variations in production, we need objective measurements. Bee biomonitoring is the answer to this need to measure the pollination service.


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Laboratoire de recherche


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Closed for vacations
until 28/08/2023


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to bees
Un pictogramme de données avec un cadenas devant
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Un pictogramme d'un microscope
Validated by
multiple research